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Friday, December 7, 2007

The Demand for Authenticity

I'm going to shock you and write two entries in one week. The reason? I picked up Authenticity and am continuing to read and ponder its contents.

In the second chapter, the authors state that the ability of consumers to produce their own experiences strengthens those experiences, as opposed to experiencing something prodcued by someone else. In the conference space, the closest I can come to this model are the Mash Up Camps run by my friend and former IDG colleague, Doug Gold(http://mashupcamp.com/), where the conference program is chosen at the event.

Back to the book though. I guess I agree if the consumer has some role in producing the experience, they are likely to buy into it more...

The next part of the chapter focuses initially on how people in general hate self-service technology, you know the automated telephone and email systems. Here I have to disagree, especially as one of my projects this year involved creating a program for the highest regarded Customer Self Service Conference for Shared Insights. My own opinion on this revolves around speed of problem resolution, would you want to wait 12 minutes to speak to an agent to track your Fedex package, or type thr tracking number into their website? Where I would agree is that companies need to treat their higher value customers better than lower value companies, while focusing on revenue opportunities of self service in addition to cost savings(which is why many companies look at it). But I digress...

Their focus is to humanize each service experience and make it fun, if not an actual experience(they reference The Geek Squad and Amtrak) nad here I have to pinch myself, create customer EVENTS that make the product or service come alive...can I get an AMEN here?

The next part focuses on people's reality focused around 'product' that they create from behind the computer...huh? YouTube, Facebook and MySpace have become reality and help people co-create experiences, is this true? I hope not. I have a blog, soon two( a new one with Confabb), but this virtual world certainly does make up my 'reality' and I am frightened if I am in the minority....

More on this soon.


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